Golden sunset on the beach
Be Your
Best Version
Golden sunset on the beach
Life Coach 🤎

Life Coach 🤎


I was born & raised in Brooklyn & grew up in a Caribbean household. My parents worked long hours to meet my primary needs & I did my part by maintaining my grades & avoiding trouble. Because I'm introverted (& empathetic), I didn't have many friends & often kept to myself. When I wasn't studying & observing others, I was in my world, meditating & enjoying my solitude.

Like many, adolescent years were rough. I dealt with body image issues, struggled to find validation in myself & felt utterly misunderstood. Mood swings, depression & poor self-esteem were minimized to bad behavior & self-hatred—circumstances that created an adult who was confused & lost about life & how to operate successfully. I was going nowhere fast.

In July of 2020, my life changed forever. As I lay on the hot pavement, in agony from the 4,000 lb vehicle that struck me, I cried tears of joy for the life I was fortunate enough to keep. I was blessed enough to be alive & had great friends who were significant contributing factors in my healing.

With some words of affirmation, many acts of service & self-motivation, I began living my life for myself & not the appeasement of others. Judgments, opinions & disappointments no longer phased me. I am here because of & despite the past & is thankful for every lesson.

Today I use my empathic gifts & mindfulness to guide others in making healthier decisions & the results have been overwhelming. It has been an honor watching my clients transform their lives simply by choosing themselves & entrusting me to guide them through their development.

Whether you choose me as your support system or not, as long as you make an effort, you too can make life-changing decisions & become the person you've always wanted to be.

You got this 🤎

Tap Me

Tap Me

Toxic Family (Friends)

Life, Relationship & Personal Development  Advisory Services

Life, Relationship & Personal Development Advisory Services

Late Bloomers
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My Focus

My Focus

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  • Attentive- I am skilled at listening to what you say & what you don't. My keen observation skills guide me to pinpoint what's holding you from achieving your goals.

  • Open-minded- I welcome new ideas & information that typically doesn't align with my beliefs or societies. Being open-minded will help me understand you & why you take specific actions in life.

  • Clear + Calm- Giving us room to understand each other while I ask thought-provoking questions to help you consider alternatives based on a more accurate understanding of your current situation.

